How do you know when to take a break from eyelash extensions?

Long-term use of synthetic eyelashes entails risks, especially when it comes to the condition of natural eyelashes, since they suffer trauma to the eyelashes as they shorten, thin and weaken and, in some cases, the total loss of natural eyelashes may occur. There is also the threat of eye health problems, such as conjunctivitis, and the long-term problem of bletaritis, which could mean that the future use of eyelash extensions is no longer being considered.

How do you know when to take a break from eyelash extensions?

Long-term use of synthetic eyelashes entails risks, especially when it comes to the condition of natural eyelashes, since they suffer trauma to the eyelashes as they shorten, thin and weaken and, in some cases, the total loss of natural eyelashes may occur. There is also the threat of eye health problems, such as conjunctivitis, and the long-term problem of bletaritis, which could mean that the future use of eyelash extensions is no longer being considered. To ensure that eyelashes recover naturally after the constant use of eyelash extensions, eyelash extensions should be removed every six to eight months to allow the eyelid line to be thoroughly cleaned after months of makeup and bacteria build-up, and also to allow natural lashes to grow and thicken. We recommend taking a minimum two-month break with eyelash extensions to allow your lashes to recover naturally and grow back fully.

Even the most careful technique can result in a brittle (or scarce) natural fringe. Blame it on the weight of synthetic hair and the heavy-duty adhesives that blend semi-permanent extensions together for a month. The question is interesting because it can be interpreted in at least two ways. If you want to take a break from using eyelash extensions, you can do so with the confidence that you can use them again whenever you want.

But if you think you should take a break to maintain the health of your natural lashes, then you don't have to worry. While they may not reach the size of eyelash extensions, using a serum is one way to treat weaker natural lashes so that they regain their natural beauty and strength. So if you follow those simple rules, you can take a break from your eyelash extensions or use them for the rest of your life, it's your choice. Considering if you've ever needed to stop using eyelash extensions, the answer is that, with the right care, you can use and replace them for as long as you want.

At that point, you can make the decision to maintain your natural look or opt for a new pair of eyelash extensions. If you need to strengthen your lashes, using a suitable serum can offer the best results. This is because the size, weight, and location of the eyelash extensions when properly applied will not harm. A suitable eyelash serum contains ingredients that condition and strengthen eyelashes, making them grow longer and stronger.

One of my clients arrived at the hairdresser a couple of days before she booked to remove her eyelash extensions, worried that she wasn't doing the right thing by taking them off and wanted a second opinion. With proper and safe application (and occasional, timely breaks if needed), the lifespan of eyelashes can last for a long time. Of course, there are exceptions, but exceptions, such as damaged eyelashes, are relatively few and far between.

Isaiah Decroo
Isaiah Decroo

Certified beer buff. Passionate web evangelist. Proud internet advocate. Evil bacon scholar. Web fanatic.

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